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All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Business

Melanie Bajrovic continues to build upon the investment knowledge that her family began to nurture from the age of twelve. Her journey to financial independence continued through college, post-graduate job searching, and the start-up phases of her own businesses — all the while, supporting her endeavours by working as a barmaid.

As she established herself as a successful entrepreneur, Melanie affirmed many lessons learned from her grandparents, an eternal source of inspiration on her road to becoming The Wealthy Barmaid.

In these uncertain times, knowledge is more important than ever before. A majority of us lack financial exposure when it comes to finances and real estate investing, and this needs to change -- not tomorrow, or in a couple of years - right now. There are numerous reasons why so many are unprepared to discuss why they should be investing and making more money - but regardless of the excuse, you need to stop giving into your fears. You need to move beyond the negative self-talk and address your financial literacy. In this new millennia, there are no excuses for our modern ignorance, and when it comes to The Wealthy Barmaid, there are none.

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Endorsed by successful entrepreneurs.

Greg Rollett
Emmy® Award Winning Producer
Florida, USA

Melanie is someone we need to speak up right now. The world needs her voice. The voice of someone who had a dream, a goal and an ambition to do more with her life and she has made it a reality. Through her inspiring book, courses and speeches, she is helping to usher in a new generation of go-getters and game changers who are working a job right now, looking for a way out. Melanie is that way. Anyone who has the opportunity to work with her needs to know just how lucky they are.

Jessica Hume 
Author of The Toronto Star’s “The Wealthy Barmaid” article published 2012

What makes Melanie such an inspiration is not her exceptionalism, but that she’s so much like all of us. What sets her apart is her absolute refusal to allow challenges or difficulties stand in her way and her myopic focus on doing what needs to be done in order to get to where she’s going. While her relentless optimism and profound work ethic cannot be taught, her story cannot help but inspire. I imagine her book will do just that

Jessica L. Toffey

I couldn't put this book down! I ate up all the information - it was so inspiring. As someone who is new to business ownership, and as a mother, The Wealthy Barmaid truly made me dig deep about how I want to run my business to inspire my daughters, and how I want to raise them to become strong, confident, and competent women.

If you are looking for inspiration and business know-how - or just simply a good story to read, about what can really make America great, this book is for you!!!

Larry Leichman 
Co-owner, Arbor Services
New York, New York, USA

If you're looking for ways to make serious money, get motivated, or turn your life around, there's no better place to start than with Melanie Bajrovic! Having made her first million before she was thirty, she proves the old adage if you want to be successful, ask a successful person.

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The only true obstacle, between your present circumstance and your future financial independence, is YOU.

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